What does all-natural in Spira Natira products mean?
It means that we only use carefully selected raw materials from natural sources for our products without harmful chemical substances like micro-plastics, parabens, paraffins, silicons, and PEG as well as without animal ingredients.

The apricot kernel oil care balm claims to be applicable to many different skin problems, is there proof that it helps?
Our apricot kernel oil care balm combines traditional knowledge about the effectiveness and benefits of plant substances with scientific findings. It is evidently proved that the ingredient combination in our apricot kernel oil care balm has a positive effect on the skin problems mentioned on this website.

Does the apricot kernel oil care balm absorb easily?
Yes, the high-quality oil of the apricot kernel makes the care balm absorb fast and penetrate deep into the epidermis. In this way, it regenerates and repairs the skin cell from the inside.

Has the apricot kernel oil care balm been tested?
Yes, the product has successfully completed and passed the provocation test (allergy test)and the bacteriology test.

Is the use of perfume in the apricot kernel oil care balm not contradictory to an all-natural skin care product?
We don’t see any issues with that as we use natural fragrances that completed and passed the allergy test and do not affect the effectiveness of the product in any way. Moreover, the distinctive apricot scent in combination with all other ingredients makes the apricot kernel oil care balm an even more unique product within the natural skincare market.

How long is the shelf-life of the apricot kernel oil care balm?
We recommend using the product within 6 months after opening the jar.

Where is the apricot kernel care oil produced?
The apricot kernel oil care balm is produced completely in Switzerland.

Who stands behind Spira Natira?
Spira Natira is a new skincare brand that was founded by Big Five Design Limited who works together with trusted partners from the Swiss cosmetic industry. Our mission is to provide Asia with natural skin care formulas that have a long tradition and proven success in Switzerland.